The ongoing Crucifixion.

Every few months, some self-proclaimed “artist” gets his fifteen minutes of fame with a painting or statue that demeans, belittles, or insults Jesus. With similar frequency, some “writer” produces a book that undermines His divinity. Even more often, schoolchildren are punished for writing about Jesus or drawing pictures of Him.

Many of us have gone through phases in which we, ourselves, marked a period of unbelief with unflattering comments and insults directed towards our Creator and those who believed in Him.

In that way, and by many other manifestations of self-righteousness and selfishness, we have all participated in the Crucifixion of Christ. He understands that we all go through stages, and that mocking Him and His believers may well be a stage of our own development. If so, hopefully it is a brief one.

In comparison, few people bother making fun of non-Christian religious figures. Not many paint obscene pictures of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed or any founders of existing religions. Even fewer will make fun of Thor, Odin, Ra, Baal, Shiva, or any of the deities of the past.

Why do so many attack Jesus so relentlessly? Catholic Fundamentalists understand why.

The Culture of Death continues to attack Him simply because He is still alive. If He were dead, they’d ignore Him as they do all the others.

Proving that “all things work together for good”, their insults are living proof of His living power.
