The Ongoing War

Once we understand that the natural state of government is endless war, we realize that at any given time any given government is at war with foreign nations, its own people, or both. As the realization of governments’ need for war becomes stronger and more encompassing, we see that every action that every government makes is designed to transfer more money, land, or power to those in charge.

The Second Principle of Government is that most of those within them are very afraid of dying. Government leaders usually kowtow and give into Moslem extremists because they are afraid of being killed by those who have no fear of death. Moslems, therefore are a great help to governments waging war on their own people. Moving millions of Moslems into a nation can destroy it, so both governments and the Moslems, who can only gain by such a process, do everything possible to facilitate such invasions. As increasing numbers of government employees are childless, they don’t care about the planned genocides.

How does a people end up with a government who hates them enough to destroy them? The answer is always the same; God has turned His face from them. When a people or nation allows themselves to be led astray and go past some invisible line He has drawn in the sand, He has them destroyed. How does He know?

The Sin-O-Meter

There is, insist Catholic Fundamentalists, a way to understand what’s going on by imagining that there is, somewhere, a Sin-O-Meter. It measures both individual and group apostasy by which all of us, singly and together, are endlessly measured. It is The Highest Judge’s equivalent of what earthly law enforcement would love to have, an infallible lie detector.

Our sanest goal in life is to do everything possible to keep the needle pointed where we need it to be for our soul to be saved. We should, frankly, ask The Loving Programmer for our human program to be erased if we’re about to do something that would cause the Sin-O-Meter needle to move irrevocably into the wrong zone.

When Enough People

in any given society commit enough sins, the Sin-O-Meter registers the increasing apostasy. Like fire trucks responding to a fire alarm, forces drawn from The Loving Programmer’s Sub-Programmers, the choirs of angels, are sent to straighten things out according to the loudness of the alarm. Sennacherib may come down, “like a wolf on the fold, his cohorts are gleaming in purple and gold” to smash the once-holy city that has renounced the operating instructions provided by The Loving Programmer, whose love now wears a sterner face. And, if there is repentance, the unstoppable Angels may wipe out the invading enemy before any damage is done to the people who’ve begged for forgiveness, renounced their sins, and returned to the faith of their fathers.

But, if the sins registering on the Sin-O-Meter are large enough, there will be no delivering angels, and a Nebuchadnezzar will kill and enslave the entire population.

Scripture was given to us so that we would know this: if we sink too far into sin, our fate is that of Sodom; total destruction of city and people, oblideration of body and soul. If our sin isn’t that hardened within us, a Jonah may save a listening, heedful, repentant Nineveh. If we pray that we are in the latter, and behave accordingly, we will be saved.

We may begin by asking The Loving Programmer to download a Jonah among us.
