Only Catholics think this clearly about History! 8.

.                          The Bible tells us where these “keys” come from AND how to get them for our immortal soul!


Question 1:  “What did God do after He created us?”

Answer:  “He chose some people to become Families.  He helped some Families grow into Tribes.  Some Tribes were chosen to become PeoplesPeoples were sometimes led to became Nations.”


Question 2:  “Did God have Angels guide Law-Givers to choose the laws their groups followed?”

Answer:  “As more people lived near each other, the more laws they needed.   Good angels gave good laws to Law-givers.  Fallen angels gave bad laws.  Archeology makes one fact clear!  People have been following laws that let them live together and make towns, cities, and public buildings for at least 12,000 years.”


Question 3:  “Did God give laws directly to people?”

Answer:   “He did in the Beginning!  God gave Adam and Eve One Law:  ‘Don’t eat from ‘the tree of knowledge’.’   They broke That Law!   He then used His Angels to provide laws through Law-Givers.”


Question 4:  “Which people did the angels lead?”

Answer:  “The people whom God chose to be ‘Law Givers’.   He had Angels teach His chosen ‘Law-givers’ how to behave.  Daniel 10 and 11 give specific instances of how the Archangel Michael helped Archangel Gabriel guide specific ‘Law-givers’ in Nations to do God’s Will.”


Question 5:  “Did that happen everywhere?”

Answer:  “Every Tribe in the world, from Celts in Europe to Cherokees and Amazonians in the Americas, had a Law-giver.  One Angel led Lycurgus to give Laws to Sparta.   Another led Solon to give his Laws to Athens.  An Angel had Numa provide the Laws of Rome.  Cannibalism and human sacrifice ordered by Aztec Law-givers show how bad some could choose to be!”


Question 6:  “Did God give Laws directly to people when He told Abraham and Moses what to do?

Answer:  “Yes.  Some people on earth had finally learned to obey God’s Laws.


Question 7:  “Did God’s Chosen People come from their Tribes and Nations?”

Answer:    “That’s what God said!  Ezekiel 16:3 tells us the DNA source of His Chosen People:   ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says to Jerusalem: Your ancestry and birth were in the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite and your mother was a Hittite.’  The best of the Amorites and Hittites produced people who could think clearly enough to obey God’s Laws and write them down!”


Question 8:  “What happened then?”

Answer:  “God’s Prophets wrote down Actual Words of God.  Twelve Tribes of Jacob obeyed His Laws.  God sent them to Egypt and then back to their Homeland.  Then, 10 of The Tribes did not want to obey The King they had recently asked God to give them.  Those Ten Tribes were soon evicted from their Homeland and spread all over the world.”


Question 9:  “What did God do after that?”

Answer:  “At The Prophesied Time and Place, God took Human Form on earth because His Blessed Mother chose to be ‘the handmaid of The Lord’Her Son Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Great Decree!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven;  .  .  .’

Now, every person on earth is just like Adam and Eve!   We can deal directly With God and obey His LawWe can be Catholic and have His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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