More opinions on Opinions.

Sometimes, when writing these columns, I find myself saying something to the effect that: “I hope that if St. Thomas Aquinas were reading some of what I wrote, that he would approve.” Sometimes, I find myself modifying my opinions to fit into what he wrote and said.

St. Thomas Aquinas, in turn, modified his opinions to be in accord with three main things, the teaching of The Church, Scripture, and, where possible, Aristotle’s thoughts. In his opinion, those were the very best guidelines to follow.

Many of us also try to make our thoughts, words, and deeds conform to Church and Scripture. “I hope God will not be mad at me for thinking, saying, or doing __________ .” We also say to ourselves, “I hope that my thoughts, words, and actions are in accord with His wishes.”

In Rome, many of the emperors were of the Opinion that they were, in fact, Gods. Those who wanted riches and advancement from those emperors quickly embraced that Opinion.

Today, idol worshippers do not deify emperors, but Opinions. Those who most enthusiastically support the deified Opinion become chief priests in the religion of the state. Their constant goal is to put themselves into a place where they can help themselves to tithes.

Deified Opinions change quickly. The speedy transformation of Global Freezing into Global Warming and then, into to Climate Change, helps weed out those less faithful people who are unable to change their minds quickly enough to be allowed to worship at the altar of the state.
