Orb worshippers never go away.

At many Aztec Temples of the Sun, thousands of slaves, captives, and trouble-makers were sacrificed on special solar holidays. They were marched up the pyramid, had their hearts ripped out, and their bodies thrown down the steep steps, after which many were butchered and eaten. All involved were told that the deaths were necessary to keep the sun and earth happy.

Aztec, Egyptian, and Babylonian Church-States ruled with an iron hand. Priests and rulers marched in lockstep with armed forces and spies to be sure that everyone else did, too.

The early pagans used fear as their control. “If you do not give us money and sacrifices, the sun will stop shining! The rain will not fall! We will all starve!” They found that most were simple, fearful people who would rather obey than question. The intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals in those societies, as in ours’ were convinced that the pagan priests were right because they could usually predict eclipses. “Og knows when the eclipses are coming, therefore, he also knows what the gods want us to do.”

Pagan religions still use their governments to take control of people. Today, of course, pagan demand for sacrifice is confined to taxes and donations in the wealthier countries. “If the level of carbon dioxide increases, we will all die. We know how to keep that deadly gas at the proper levels. If you do not listen and obey, life will end.”, Dr. Og explains. Billions believe, convinced that Dr. Og is a “scientist”.

In poor countries, human beings are cheerfully sacrificed. Millions are killed because Dr. Og keeps DDT from them, guaranteeing death and sickness by malaria. More are starved to death by tyrannical governments. The deaths they directly cause are universally ignored by the same Orb Worshippers.
