Our “Book About Me” is the biggest book in our Library!

Our brain is a library full of books. The books are filled with memories. Our soul and spirit read words written in the books of our brain.

They find words and images. They are made out of electrons. Every word and image in our brain is a reflection of things we have seen, heard, or thought. That’s why God gave us our brain!

Ask yourself: “How old am I?” What happens? Our spirit goes to our brain’s “Book About Me”. We can answer the question! As we get older, our spirit has a harder time getting through all the information it has accumulated!

Our “Book About Me” is the biggest book in our Library!


Lack of Baptism keeps keeps people trapped in their “Book About Me”. Original Sin glorifies the spirit and ignores the soul.

“Proofs for The Existence of God” were been written by St. Thomas Aquinas. The Logic of his writing leads many to understand! “Without a Prime Mover, nothing could move!”

Logical people keep that in mind when we read the Old Testament. We apply that Truth to The Prophecies.

Logical people understand! Jesus Christ fulfilled hundreds of Prophecies! Jesus Christ is God in human form! His family, birth, life, death, and Resurrection all fulfilled Prophecies! The odds of that being a coincidence are trillions to one!


Logical people understand there is no logical reason to disobey This, or any, Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Logical people realize! “If I strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ, my soul is better off at Judgment! I will be forever among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Logical people spend less time admiring their “Book About Me”. Our soul takes control of our spirit! We try to make ourselves into living Words of Jesus Christ!

What’s the first thing we do?

We get Baptized!

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