“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

Yesterday’s column shows that what most of us see as “waste” is wealth for those in a position to profit from excessive and unnecessary spending. The above graph shows our own immorality as much as it shows the venality of those who use legislative power to prey on us.

What keeps us from fighting the self-serving waste that is driving us into poverty and extinction? When, for instance, we hear propaganda about “the importance of public education”, many of us nod, concerned for children.

We have to make an effort to understand and say, “That’s a lot of self-serving claptrap. Public education is already over-funded at every level. They just want more dues-payers, higher salaries, bigger benefits, and larger pensions.”

We have to make a real effort to tell such a truth because its so much easier to believe lies. We tend to go along with the lies because we are too slothful, and too cowardly, to actually demand truth. It’s easier to go along, “reluctantly”, with lies.

We have now accepted so many lies as truth that we’re going broke.


In the past decade, a half-trillion dollars has been wasted on “sustainable”, “green” energy. As a result, utility bills are higher than they should be. If a billion people in America and Europe are made to pay a few dollars more a month, and a thousand people divide it up for average profits of $500,000,000,000.00, no one seems to care.

A healthy chunk of that five hundred billion dollars is being used to elect more politicians who will pass more laws benefiting their contributors. The paid media, naturally, cannot be expected to notice. So, it’s up to us.
