our immortal souls

étranger, galaxie, gif, cosmos

We were once very small.  Each human ovum is smaller than a grain of salt.  It is packed with millions of DNA molecules from parents, grandparents, and ancestors.

At conception, our immortal souls, our spark of life, begins to light up the world.  The DNA molecules from our mother and father are combined!  WE come into being.

We may picture angels, no bigger than atoms or electrons or photons, putting us together according to God’s Divine Blueprint for us.

How big is our soul?  How large is the tiny spark that compiled our spirit, mind, and body out of the minerals from our mother’s blood?

We know that our soul is made “in the image of God”.  God does not change.  So, our soul does not change in size.  From one perspective, it is a tiny spark, no bigger than a grain of salt.

As we grow, we are helped by love.  We are hurt by hate.  Those most full of hate will try to kill unborn children.

Those who make it past the chemicals and implants of abortion-inducing birth control, and are not killed by abortionists, are blessed to have our lives continue on earth.

The souls of those whose tiny bodies are killed do not die.  They go to a place of love and care.  They may go to The High Altar of God in Heaven.  There, those billions of immortal souls may be among those martyred souls who “cry out for vengeance!”

Each baby is a miracle of love!  Each is in “the image of God”.  Each of us is the “image of God”.

Sometimes, we may close our eyes.  Sometimes, we see a tiny, bright light.  It may be our soul!  It may not be floating in the clear fluid of our eyeball.  It may be where the optic nerves to in oour brain.

Wherever it is, we may be getting a glimpse of our soul.

We may picture a literal “river” of souls, a gleaming stream of sparks in Heaven.  Our ancestors.

We may be blessed to add to that Holy Stream of Souls Above with our immortal souls, and more.

