Our Plea to Protestants: “Please! Please! Get the Keys”!

Catholics love our neighbors! We were blessed to be born! Many were born into Catholic families. Many of us were Protestants.

God blessed Catholics to know This Fact: Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.

This is One Word of Jesus.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Our plea to Protestants: Please! Please! Get the Keys!”


God threw the devil out of Heaven.

God threw the disobedient angels out of Heaven.

We cannot get into Heaven unless we have the “Keys”!

Jesus came to earth for one reason: to provide “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”! He gave the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to one person and One Church! The One Church given “the Keys” been led by Successors to that person for 2,000 years!


Our plea to Protestants: “Please! Please! Get the Keys”! They are The Seven Catholic Sacraments.

Please, Protestants! Understand this fact! Jesus left One Set of Keys to “the Kingdom of Heaven”!

He gave them to one person and One Church! He Spoke the only “keys” and the only “key-holder” into being with His Word! Remember That Word of Jesus!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Many are confused by The Profiteers of Protestantism. “We believe in Jesus! Jesus has to let us into Heaven!”

Jesus told us it cannot be true that merely “believing” is enough!

Jesus told us of the only people He would allow into Heaven. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics know! “If we willfully disobey Any Word of Jesus, we are not among His obedient ‘friends’! Willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus puts us among His willfully disobedient enemies!”

It’s as simple as that!

If we willfully disobey Any Word of Jesus, we lose “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

That is why we Catholics make Our Plea to Protestants! “Please! Please! Get the “Keys”!

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