Our soul is a living book we write. Will Jesus buy my book?

Our soul is a living book we write. It will stand before Jesus at Judgment. Every thought, word, and deed will be there for Him, and us, to see. Our soul is a living book we write. Will Jesus buy our book?

We wrote The Book of our Soul with the tiny photons of every thought, word, and deed we chose.

Each of our thoughts, words, and deeds writes our book on the large, Immortal Photon that is our soul.

We wrote and published The Book of My Soul. Catholics hope Jesus will “buy my book”!


Every intelligent person asks! “Will Jesus want My Soul’s Book in His Heavenly bookshelves?”

Jesus will not judge our Soul’s Book on our money or friends. Each of us will be judged by One Standard!

Jesus is very clear about whose books He has bought with His Blood!

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


Every life comes down to this! Either Jesus “buys” The Book we have written on our soul or He throws it onto the burn pile!

What we are is written in My Soul’s Book.

Every day, we come closer to His Judgment. On Judgment Day, The Books He Buys are filled with words, pages, and chapters praising obedience to Every Word of He Who Is The Author of Authors.

The Books thrown onto the burn piles are written with thoughts, words, and deeds that celebrate willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus.


Those who understand ask one question about every thought, word, and deed! “Will Jesus buy ‘My Soul’s Book’?”

Catholics guide our thoughts, words, and deeds! We strive to obey Every Word of Jesus. We want Jesus to love The Book we have written on our soul!


Catholics align the thoughts, words, and deeds in “My Soul’s Book” to This Fact: “Every Word of Jesus Is A Truth We Must Obey.”

We think of His Holy Saints! We think of Catholic priests and holy men and women. They wake up early every morning. They spend their days and lives writing Words of God into The Books of Their Souls.

Catholics try to write the same words in our “Book of My Soul” that His Holy Saints have written in theirs!

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Free e-books and reasons to write a good Catholic Book on our soul: catholicfundamentalism.com
