Part 8: Catholics suggest a new view of Heaven.

.                                        Micro-Catholicism gives us a new view of Heaven.  We still need ‘the keys’!


Question 1:  “Why should we consider ‘a new view of Heaven‘?”

Answer:  “God has let us learn about more about The Universe He Spoke Into Being.   Catholics use new knowledge to better understand God’s Word.”


Question 2:   What have we learned?”

Answer:  “We have learned about ‘size’!   We can see images of atoms and molecules.  We know that we began at conception as a tiny cell.   We were each smaller than a grain of salt.   Our soul fit inside two cells that became one as we grew into 35 billion cells!”


Question 3:  “Is our soul smaller than one of those cells?”

Answer:  “That’s what Micro-Catholicism thinks about!   Our soul may be a living spark that may be no bigger than one of the trillions of ‘atoms’ in each of our 35,000,000,000 cells.”


Question 6:  “Which souls does God let into Heaven at His Judgment?”

Answer:  “The tiny spark that is each immortal soul may be deformed or stained by willful sins of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.  God does not let those souls into Heaven.”


Question 7:  “How does a soul get into Heaven?”

Answer:   “Through one of the ‘gates’!   Rev 21 tells us that Heaven’s four ‘walls’ are 1,500 miles long and high.  The Four Walls of Heaven have 95,000,000 square miles!  That’s as big as The North American Continent!  Our soul must find a ‘pearly gate’ that may be no bigger than a few molecules!   There are three ‘gates’ in each wall of the immense cube.    Each soul must find, and get through, its ‘gate’.”


Question 8:  “Are there 12 colors of souls allowed into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Jewish rabbis wore twelve colored stones on their breastplates.   At that time, they symbolized the Twelve Tribes of Israel.   Now, we see they symbolize the Twelve Tribes of Humanity.   There is an Apostle and a ‘gate’ for each Tribe.  Heaven has 12 Foundation Stones, three under each wall.  Twelve colors of jewels make The Walls of Heaven.   To get into Heaven, our soul must be a ‘pure enough’ color.”


Question 8:   “Do the souls in Heaven keep their color?”

Answer:  “Every soul in Heaven is given a ‘white robe’.   That shows they are worthy to spend eternity living in ‘the light of God‘.”


Question 10:  “How do we get into Heaven?

Answer:  “We need ‘the keys’!  Without the ‘keys’, we can’t even find our ‘gate’!  Jesus left those ‘keys’ to the Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Great Decree.

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.”

May every soul be blessed to obey Those Specific Words of Jesus Christ and be forever among:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
