All parts of the apostate angel’s body embrace lies, hate, and death.

As we watch England sinking into a depraved, English-hating tyranny, we see our own future. Untrammeled immigration has filled their country to the breaking point. As the invaders increase, the war waged on the English people by their own government increases in intensity. Children are taken from parents, permits are needed to do anything, regulations multiply, schools rot, and there is no solution in sight.

We see the same things being repeated throughout Europe and Canada, while gathering momentum in the United States. The common denominator? The countries being destroyed have all legalized abortion. God has simply turned His face from them. It’s unlikely that many of them will ever recognize that as the cause of their collapse.

Those who do recognize turning away from God as the ultimate cause of our problems are quickly labeled “religious fanatics” by those committed to the apostate angel. They are quick to identify such people and attempt to marginalize them as “out of touch”.
