Pastors Bob, doorway to death

Popular, pulpit-poundin’ Pastors Bob shout “We believe in Jesus!” Heads in the pews bob up and down as they repeat, “Oh, yes! We believe!”

When the Pastors Bob cry out “Nothing is more important than to believe in Jesus!”, heads bob even more fervently.

Then, the experienced Pastor Bob gives voice to the other support on which the Pastors Bob 43,000 schisms rest: “But we believe in even more!” The congregation goes silent, knowing what’s coming: “We believe in Jesus AND THE BIBLE!”

Waves of euphoria wash over pews of bobbing heads. Crying, shrieking, hands waving in the air, cries of “We believe in Jesus!” We believe in The Bible! We believe in Jesus AND THE BIBLE!” echo and re-echo amidst standing, shouting, twisting and turning.

As the hysteria subsides, songs maintain the emotional high. With perfect, practiced timing, collection plates are passed. “Put in all you have! The Lord’s work is being done right here! He has no hands but ours!” over a quarter million Pastor Bobs recite from the only theological instructions the 43,000 Protestant catechisms have in common.

Amazingly, none are offended by the mindless repetition. All dig deeply.

The 43,000 factions have an evil effect. The Pastors Bob have divided Pro-Life people into so many competing factions that The Only Church Jesus Founded cannot stop abortion. Factions have paralyzed The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Every day but Sunday, three thousand unborn babies are killed by abortionists. Their body parts are sold in the blackest of markets. While a quarter million Pastors Bob rant and rave, the killing, and the unholy trade in killing, continues.

The Only Church Jesus Founded strives to protect these helpless lives. But, The Church’s Pro-Life legislative efforts are endlessly stymied by the self-serving distractions of the Pastors Bob. As dozens of millions of Americans accept the shallowness of 43,000 schisms full of Pastors Bob, the killing continues.

Gal. 5: 21 tells us that those in “factions”, along with drunkards and fornicators, can’t get into Heaven. So, we know what fate comes to the Pastors Bob, doorway to death.

What of those who support the Pastors Bob? Can those who knowingly make it impossible for The Only Church Jesus Founded to gather the legislative force to stop the killing, be saved?

We must use the brains God gave us to figure out if knowingly supporting Pastors Bob is so offensive to Jesus that, at our day of Judgment, the trap door opens and we share the awful fate promised to those in factions by St. Paul in Gal 5: 21.

Another question must be considered. Are those who support the Pastors Bob, knowing the deaths thereby inflicted upon the unborn, sent into even more painful pits than their masters? Is it true that the bigger their donations, the deeper they go?
