“You pays your money and you takes your choice.” is the everlasting advice from old to young. When we combine that with “Anything is worth what you can get someone to pay you for it.”, we have two sentences that add up to far more than many people know. When we reverse the second sentence, we find, “Anything can be bought for what you can get someone to sell it for.”
Once we more fully understand those sentences, and move through life with the accumulations that such understanding automatically brings, those who move to a higher level, as Catholic Fundamentalists do, apply them to our souls. The most important thing to gain are Heaven credits.
When making any choice, we have to understand that it may either help or jeopardize our souls’ admission to Heaven. A decision that involves lying, cheating, the mere satisfaction of our vanity, or the needless infliction of pain on another causes our souls to take on a polarity, or some other aspect, that makes it unpleasing to The Programmer who made it.
An old English saying can help us develop into people who make the better choices: “What the good man does is always right.” The more we endeavor to be “good men”, the better all our choices will be.