People are Catholic, Protestant, or Babylonian.


People are Catholic, Protestant, or Babylonian.

Catholics are in The Only Church Jesus Founded.  They recognize the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”   They believe Jesus was right when He said of The Church He Founded:  ” . .  and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Class A Protestants are in one of 45,000 denominations.  Each was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a marketing plan.  They accept some Catholic beliefs.  Their clergy are not empowered to forgive sins or change bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Christ.

Class B Protestants build their own ladders to Heaven.  “I believe in Jesus, but I don’t need a ‘church’.  I can get to Heaven on my own.”

Class C Protestants are in groups that have some belief in truth and goodness but ignore that Jesus fulfilled actual Prophecies and founded One Church.

Catholics and Protestants agree:  “We want to go to Heaven and we must avoid sins to do so.”  They embrace “love at least some of your neighbors”.  They know that teachings like The Ten Commandments are valid.

Catholics and Protestants generally favor truth, love, life, family, and freedom.

Babylon attracts the vain, angry, and lazy.   They love sin, taxes, regulations, and more jails.   They want to turn the world into a giant prison camp.

Babylonians hate their neighbors.  They want to enslave as many as they need and kill the rest.

Simpler Christians believe:  “If we show the errors in their thinking, they will recognize truth and love.”

That is silly.  Babylonians prove their loyalty to lies by choosing bigger lies.  They go from small Imaginary Problems like “Global Warming” to  huge Imaginary Problems like “Climate Change”.   The bigger the lie, and the more they kill, the higher their rank.

As long as Catholics and Protestants are divided, Babylon prevails.
