People who want to go to Heaven ask hard questions.

Many of us want our souls to spend eternity in Heaven. Protestants who want to go to Heaven ask hard questions. They ask their clergy:

1. “Did Jesus always tell the truth?”

2. “Do our souls go to Judgment?”

3. “Will our souls spend eternity in either Heaven’s Joy or the agonies of hell?”

4. “Will Jesus judge each one of us?”

5. “Are the only people whose souls go to Heaven among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’?”

6. “Can anyone who willfully and knowingly disobeys Jesus go to Heaven?”

7. “Is there any good reason on earth to disobey Jesus?”

8. “How many churches did Jesus Decree Into Being when He said: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

9. “If I willfully and knowingly disobey The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus, can I get into Heaven?”

10. “Can you?”

The answers:

The correct answer to questions 1 through 5 is “Yes”.

The correct answer to questions 6 and 7 is “No.”

The correct answer to question 8 is “One”.

The correct answer to question 9 is “No.”

The correct answer to question 10 is obvious: “That’s up to Jesus. He has told us all that we need to know about how He decides.”


People who want to go to Heaven ask hard questions. We share the need to ask hard questions with those about whom we care.

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