Personal Note:

Noticed something odd. I was re-reading a book that I’d first read six or eight months ago, when I still had a TV. It would often be on while I was reading, and I flattered myself (Never a good way to spend time!) that I could read and watch TV simultaneously. Seldom have I been so wrong. “This is really a good book!”, I found myself exclaiming when I re-read it without having a TV on.

Lately, my reading has been focusing on the last quarter of the 1700s and the first of the 1800s. That lets me explore the idea that The Thousand Years mentioned in the Book of Revelation began with the Pope crowning Charlemagne in 800 A.D. and ended with Napoleon replacing God’s anointed with his own, less than holy vanity, while offering physical violence to the Pope about a thousand years later.

It’s requires reading and re-reading lots of books, trying to see if the facts fit the theory. So far, nothing contradicts it.
