Phonograph records are an analogy.

Each phonograph record had a tiny groove that spiraled around and around, from the beginning of the record to where it ended, near the spindle on which the record was centered.

Phonograph records are an analogy.   God, the unmoving center of the spindle on which He has placed a huge, playing record, has all Creation spinning around Him.

We humans each choose how far we want to be from the central axis around which all the record revolves.  The farther we get from the spindle, the faster we go.  Many, who loved the higher speeds near the edge, are thrown off.

Some people move closer to the center, despite the forces that fling them outward.  Some follow the groove inward, moving like ants through a canyon.  That takes a long time.  Others crawl up and over the steep walls of the grooves, down the other sides, and move toward the center in as direct a line as they can.

As they get closer to the center, things move more slowly.  It’s peaceful.  There isn’t as much force to fling them from the edge.

“This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!”, they say, as they get glimpses of the calm, unmoving center of the spindle.
