
Some people have very difficult times in life. Others, with much the same income and in similar surroundings, seem to be on a picnic.

Catholic Fundamentalists know that prioritizing is a big step toward peace.

The first priority: Working to spend the biggest stretch of time the best possible way eliminates a lot of indecision and unhappiness. When we realize that we have souls, and those souls go to judgment, and that is either followed by joy or agony, we can focus our minds on eternity. Then, we can focus on other things.

The second priority: Just as we draw closer to things by studying them, we grow closer to the Programmer by studying what He has programmed. It is a great joy to be able to connect things to Him and His Program. We do that, first of all, by understanding that He programmed particles, compiled them into structures and beings, and put them in motion. Seeing those workings draws us closer to Him.

The Holy Wireless Connector helps. It is a joy to feel Him help us use our minds to make connections between us and The Programmer. There is also great happiness in considering the Program in human form, the completeness of which was programmed exactly as the prophets predicted.

It is not enough to love The Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector. We are commanded to love our neighbor. We want them to go to Heaven. So, we can’t be bashful about saying that it’s a real place.

As we grow in the knowledge that we have, through Catholic Fundamentalism, found a remarkably straight path to God, joy increases.

Oh, what joy. Sometimes, just skipping around in this site’s free download, “New Road to Rome” brings some new way to connect with the great Love that made us and saved us and blesses us every day.
