Catholic Fundamentalists understand that each of us is a unique, individual, multi-dimensional, free-will program written at the very moment of our conception by the Angelic Sub-Programmers who cheerfully took on the job. Our individual program was compiled by selecting from all the available material from our ancestors, adding in whatever The Programmer wanted, and was lovingly and carefully downloaded by those following The Programmer’s directions.
When we see other people, we should recognize that all of them, like us, were just as lovingly compiled by The Programmer with the attributes He wanted them to have. The universal reality is that each of us was programmed in all the dimensions we live so we could choose to love, or not love, both God and our neighbors.
During the French Revolution, free-will programs were addressed as “Citizen”, and “Reason” was enthroned. In the early days of the Communist Revolution, people called each other “Comrade” and “Fraternity” was widely pretended to rule.
Things were different on our side of the Atlantic. In the John Wayne westerns, many were addressed as “Pilgrim”, recognizing that all were on their way to a promised land, either in this world or the next. That’s a far more meaningful term that recognizes both the specific and universal characteristics whose common programming and goals we all may share.
Since we are both “Program” and “Pilgrim, we may see ourselves as “Pilgram”. It’s better than “Progrim”.