Pity the poor leftist.

Most unhappiness comes from childhood. Leftists, rather than being taught to be thankful for what they do have, are raised to blame others for what they do not have.

Leftists usually have the same intellectual abilities as anyone else. Their unhappiness, bitterness, envy, and lack of joy let them be easily led by those who are able to use such traits for their own purposes.

We can look at any leftist position on any subject and see that each observable human activity is a call for “action”, which invariably involves making more people more unhappy about the way things are. This, with surprising consistency, is used to provide votes for legislation to ensure the wealth of those with the skills to manipulate the angry, bitter, and envious.

We see Arabian oil interests subsidizing angry environmentalists to “stop the drilling to save the earth.” We see abortionists pushing for “the right to choose”. Coal miners pay activists to worry about “the ongoing hazards of nuclear waste”. Those involved in, and profiting from, various perverse activities are in favor of “being unchained from the moral slavery of the past.”

Every large organization on earth has an obedient herd of angry leftists, clamoring and shilling with all its might for some end or another. Those who run such organizations actually despise those whom they manipulate. They make fun of them behind their backs, snickering when, for instance, their mindless patsies can be convinced to go to beaches and wipe spilled oil off rocks.

To their owner-operators, the common, garden-variety, run-of-the-mill leftist is an object of derision and scorn. To Catholic Fundamentalists, they are lost souls who may be saved.
