Pity the Poor Global Warmer. Pity the Environmentalist.

You’ve made a huge amount of money. You became a household name, in elite households. Your peers are envious of the small fortune you make each time you write a book and every tax-supported library in the world has to buy multiple copies. You hold any prestigious chair you want. No matter where you go, you have more offers than you can track, all with tenure and signing bonuses that no one ever hears about. Consulting fees abound. You’re a highly paid speaker at elite meetings, gatherings, and groups.

There’s not a foundation that doesn’t want you on its board. You’re so valued as a consultant that you can name your own fees. Start-up businesses offer you generous stock opportunities. You’re flown to foreign countries, by private jet rather than mere first class. Everywhere, you speak effectively and movingly about the “dangers of climate change”. You don’t just meet with businessmen, but have told heads of state that they have a “sacred duty to be stewards of the earth”. You’ve been on the covers of newsmagazines, made the rounds of Sunday’s shows, and you’ve been the subject of articles in Vogue and Vanity Fair. All of them proclaim your “amazing sensitivity to problems beyond mere self” and “genuine concern for all life-forms”.

And, for over a decade, you’ve known that everything you say is a lie. Your spouse knows that you spend all day lying and doesn’t know when you ever tell the truth or if you do.

You say you know, but you can only hope, that there isn’t a God even remotely like The One Who is described in Holy Scripture. If there is, you know you’ll be punished for letting people suffer horribly, often dying, from malaria that you helped allow to go on because you knew “how dangerous DDT might be to our planet “. If there is a final judgment, you know that you’re going to get what you deserve for letting the world’s poorest children and families suffer from malnutrition because you helped convince people that the corn they used to eat had to taken from them and turned into fuel to stop the Global Warming you know has never been a problem.

You know.
