Playing the most important odds of all.

“Lifespan calculators” are found by googling “lifespan calculator”.

If we answer the questions on one of the lifespan calculators, we can find how much longer that insurance companies’ actuaries think we’re going to live.  They study statistics and probability.  That helps them to do a better job of  playing the odds.

Actuaries who work for insurance companies only study life expectancy numbers that go up to the time the soul leaves the body.  So, their analysis is only suitable for those concerned with lesser, finite, material things.  They aren’t playing the most important odds of all.

Let’s say we’re forty, and projected to live 40 more years.  Every succeeding day, we draw closer to Judgment.  Each year, we are 1/40th closer to that Judgment.  Unless, of course, we get hit by a truck, contract a disease, or are murdered.

So, while it may look as if we have long, long decades stretching out before us, we may only have an hour, a week, or a month.  Playing the most important odds of all is more difficult if we think too much about it.

And, during the rare moments when we do think about salvation, most of us are too priority-challenged to spend enough time thinking about confessing our sins and getting closer to God.

So, the next minute that we choose to spend without confessing our sins and asking God to forgive us may be the very minute that destroys our eternity.  This, in fact, might be that minute.  Right now, dear reader, you and I may be having the last opportunity we’ll have to be playing the most important odds of all.

Playing the most important odds of all concerns saving our soul.  We know that’s the most important thing we can do.  So, why don’t we do it?  The evil beings who work for the virus are good at keeping human souls from heaven.  Any time we start to think about saving our soul, we are besieged with lots of demons distracting us.  “Think about this, instead!” each living temptation demands.  Usually, we do.

When we realize that each such thought is a demon determined upon our destruction, we can get back to what all the saved souls do properly.  We start playing the most important odds of all, moving toward God and away from sin.
