Please, help solve 3 mysteries.

Problems of marriage irregularities were recalled when one of our contributors said she could not receive Communion because of a prior marriage issue.

It is a huge problem. Marriage irregularities have separated millions of Catholics from The Church.

I shared my solution: “For some time, I was not allowed to receive Communion because of a difficulty with a former marriage. As instructed, I still went to Mass. I soon realized that if I would breath deeply through my mouth and swallow, that I was receiving some of the trillions of “Holy Molecules” that spread throughout the church after The Consecration. Trillions of “Holy Molecules had evaporated from The Chalice and were in the air. Trillions more were being exhaled by all who had received from The Cup. I, who was not allowed to receive Communion, was actually receiving it in the Mass.”

Please, help solve 3 mysteries.

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Second Mystery: Those not able to receive Communion only because of marriage irregularities should still attend Mass. To gain more of His Holy Food, should they make a conscious effort, as I did, to breathe deeply through their mouths and swallow frequently between The Consecration and leaving Church?

Third Mystery: Does The Church already know that the “holy molecules” are available to all who follow that example but doesn’t want to broadcast the knowledge because it might keep people from doing what’s necessary to regularize their marriages through the necessary formal processes and more fully receive Communion?

Any help, especially from a Roman Catholic Priest, would be greatly appreciated. Not only are your thoughts welcome, but also, any insight your priest might provide would be deeply appreciated. Please, help solve 3 mysteries.
Thank you. CF


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