Plutocrats follow Pluto! Who is Pluto?

Catholics know History! We see that every nation in History has been ruled by powerful people. They are known as “Plutocrats”. Nations are always ruled by Plutocrats. Plutocrats follow Pluto! Who is Pluto?

Pluto is an ancient name for the god of the Under-world. A Plutocrat is a follower of Pluto.

We learn from the word “Under-world”. We see there are three worlds! Since there is an “under-world”, there must be an “over-world”. God rules the “over-world”. Creation looks like this!


1. “Over-world”: GOD

2. “World: ___________________________________________________________________

3. “Under-world”: Pluto


We live on the world! God created The World to give us free will. Our soul can only move up, down, or sideways. We choose which way we go.

Those who want to be close to God strive to obey Every Teaching of His Son. He Fulfilled His Prophecies!

Every human soul goes to Judgment! After Judgement, some souls spend eternity in Heaven. Willfully disobedient souls are sent to endless agony.


Plutocrats control empires on the world. Their empires include Sports, Entertainment, Media, Technology, Business, Medicine, and Governments.

Catholics see two facts about Plutocrats!

1. Plutocrats give their most useful followers a lot of money!

2. Plutocrats hate for anyone on earth to obey This Teaching of Jesus Christ! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Why do Plutocrats follow Pluto? He promises his Plutocrats two things!

1. The joy of ruling on the World.

2. The joy of ruling forever in the Under-world.

His followers believe the “Father of Lies” is telling them the truth!


Every promise made by Pluto is a false promise! Plutocrats cannot see that they have let themselves be blinded by wealth and power!

In actual fact, the souls of departed Plutocrats end up in the lowest circles of hell! They are endlessly tortured by the souls they have led to follow Pluto!

Plutocrats are too blinded by vanity to see that simple truth!

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