Popular History, Literature, and Science: Tools of Willful Protestantism.

.                                   All Teachings of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are “popular” among Catholics!


Question 1:  “What is Popular History, Literature, and Science?

Answer:  “The word ‘popular’ means ‘belonging to the people, general, common;  devoted to or accepted by the people.’   Ideas are only allowed to become ‘Popular’ if they make the newest Willful Protestantism ‘accepted by the people’.”


Question 2:  “What are ‘Popular beliefs’ designed to do?”

Answer:  “They are meant to keep people from thinking clearly enough to be Catholic and live according to  Catholic Teachings”


Question 3:  “Why would anyone want to keep their neighbors from being Catholic?”

Answer:  “Jealousy!  Catholics get these ‘keys’ from The Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Word.  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.'”

Many who willfully reject those ‘keys’ hate anyone else to have them!”


Question 4:  “How do Popular History, Literature and Science work on human minds.

Answer:  “From Gibbons to Shakespeare to Darwin, Popular History, Literature, and Science have done the same thing!  They praise Willful Protestants for rejecting The Only Church Spoken Into Being by God’s Own Word.”


Question 5:  “Is there One Catholic Teaching that Willful Protestants are led to avoid?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants hate for anyone to Think Clearly about This Catholic Teaching!  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 6:  “Why do Willful Protestants hate that Catholic Teaching?”

Answer:  “They love themselves, their opinions, and their desires more than they love God and their neighbors.”


Question 7:  “Is that a violation of The First Commandment?”

Answer:  “Yes.  They have put themselves and their desires ‘before God’.”


Question 8:  “Is that always a ‘popular’ thing to do?”

Answer:  “Putting ourselves ‘before God’ is the always the most ‘popular’ thing on earth.”

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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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