popular Protestant errors

There are many popular Protestant errors.  One: “Catholics worship idols!”

Catholics know how silly that is!   “God ordered Moses to put graven images of Holy Angels onto The Ark of The Covenant.  Was God wrong?  Was Moses wrong to obey God?  Does God worship idols?”

The fact is that Protestantism avoids visual reminders of Holy, Obedient Men, Women, and Angels.  “We deal directly with God!”  In fact, they refuse to “deal directly with God.”  Protestantism chooses to disrespect The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

They replace The Decree of Jesus with the idol of their personal opinions.  They do not notice.

Another of the popular Protestant errors is to repeat:  “The word ‘Catholic’ is not in The Bible.”

Catholics see that the word “Catholic” is clearly included in Jesus’ Church-Founding Decree!  The Catholic Church has been led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years!   Therefore, The Catholic Church is The Only Church on earth that is specifically named in The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The word “Catholic” is undeniably in that Bible passage.  Every person on earth is smart enough to figure that out!

Why do so many refuse to understand that simple fact?

We are all human.  We all want to get into Heaven and do as we please on earth.

Protestantism provides 45,000 denominations.  Each appeals to different groups that will pay for the promise of Heaven and let them do what they want on earth.

We looked at two popular Protestant errors.  There are more.
