
When we pray, we are actually asking The Loving Programmer to provide programming assistance for our own, human, free-will program. Many of us, every day, ask The Loving Programmer to “give us this day our daily bread, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from having our program weakened or destroyed.”

When we pray, our request travels on wavelengths that our human programs are utterly unable to access with our senses or any known extension of them. Our request for programming assistance reaches Programming HQ. There, with a speed faster than light, it is transmitted to the proper Tech Support group. At what is virtually the same time, the request’s validity and urgency is analyzed, compared with that for which The Program calls, and the appropriate response is made by whatever legions of Programming Assistants are required.

Sometimes, as when Christians are under vicious assault by hate-filled enemies, the program calls for continued suffering. The response, or apparent lack of same, to a prayer request to escape that suffering, though not desired, must be accepted, even if it leads to the erasure of our earthly program. That is easier to say than to do, but that is how we are called to respond.

There seems to be a “tipping point” with prayers. If enough similar requests arrive at Programming HQ, The Loving Programmer will alter The Program to accommodate them.

As a result of hundreds of millions of us asking to be delivered from evil, many, if not most, of us are. We must pray for those under assault so that they, too, may be saved from those whose programs are so corrupted with hate as to want all of us exterminated or cursed.
