Praying is Requesting Programming Assistance

When we pray, we are asking The Loving Programmer to have His Programming Assistants change the Program in some way. We may, for instance, pray for a young person to be happily married or to find a good career. Those are more complicated than they appear, involving many guardian angels and high-level spiritual decisions.

As we think about what’s involved in many of our requests for Programming Assistance, we may realize that some of our requests extend through space and time, possibly for generations. Many other human programs, each one with an already programmed “flight path” are involved. Things have to be endlessly programmed so that all benefit.

When we think of what a prayer means, we may consider a famous painting, say the Mona Lisa. We all know what it looks like. It’s creator, after having finished it, could have been asked, “Can you make her eyes bluer?”

To a great artist, changing the the eyes would require changing the color of the hair and the skin so that they looked the way they should. Then, the clothing wouldn’t have looked right. Changing the color of the subject’s eyes could have meant changing everything in the picture, and maybe the frame, as well.

Since our prayers involve living people, we should neither pray lightly nor expect answers immediately. Prayers require a lot of reprogramming, in both time and space.

II. A Question on Prayer.

On the other hand, an inquisitive Catholic Fundamentalist may ask, “The Programmer knows what requests for Programming Assistance we’ll be making. So, it’s likely that He has woven every request for Programming Assistance into The Program. When we pray, aren’t we really asking that The Program just run as it’s supposed to? Isn’t prayer just a request that the goodness He desires and or which He has already provided be downloaded around us without any alteration?”

Of course The Loving Programmer knows what each of us will choose in life. And, it is written into The Program. But, the other side has some ability to influence decisions. When we pray, the main thing for which we are praying, if unknowingly, is for Him to be sure to have the Angelic Sub-programmers keep the The Program running as He wrote it. When we say “Loving Programmer in Programming HQ, let Your Program run to the end as You intended.” (Translated from Christ’s access instructions: “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, etc.”) we are asking for The Program to run despite viral interference from those with that purpose.
