Pride grows. “I think about me!” becomes “Praise me!”

Aristotle was clear!  “The man who sees things from the beginning has the clearest view.”  What was our “beginning”?  Our conception!  When we were conceived, we were smaller than a grain of salt!

When we “see things from the beginning”, we know!  “I owe my life to the love of my mother and father and their ancestors!  DNA from thousands of loving ancestors made me what I am.”

Proud people do not want to understand that!  Their thinking is crippled by vanity.  Pride grows. “I think about me!” becomes “Praise me!”


Pride keeps us from being grateful to the ancestors who gave so much of their lives to giving us life!   Pride keeps many from seeing that we are each a link in a chain.  Pride leads many to conclude:  “I am more important than my ancestors and my descendants.  I want to think about me.”

Pride keeps many from having children.  “Children would get in my way!”  Pride keeps many from taking better care of the children they are blessed to have.


Those driven by Pride seek excuses for being Proud!  They travel.  They accumulate.  They talk about all they do!  Every thought and belief reflects their desire for praise.

The proudest people make a living by praising pride in others.

“You are smart!  You are good!  You prove that when you do what I tell you!”  They see their neighbors’ souls as dim lights.   They pump so much praise into them that their souls burn out!

Every proud person knows!  They will be praised if they proudly reject This Word of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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