Pride leads The Profiteers of Protestantism

Every Catholic has a duty to save souls! First, we must save our own souls. We know that the only people in Heaven are among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” That “if” is the biggest “if” there is!

“If” we obey Jesus, we must obey His Only Church-Founding Decree:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics are in The Only Church led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years. Only Catholics have access to “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

What do Protestants have? 45,000 denominations built on the Marketing Plans of pride-filled men in love with the sound of their own voices!

May those who willfully disobey Jesus be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands”?


It is as simple as that!

Why would anyone choose to disobey Jesus and not have access to the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that He left on earth?

Pride. The devil, in the form of a snake, got Eve and Adam to believe: “We are just as good as God.” In every age, Pride leads the Profiteers of Protestantism to proclaim: “You can get to Heaven if you disobey Jesus and follow me, instead.”

Of the seven tribes of demons, the deadliest is pride. Pride leads The Profiteers of Protestantism to teach: “You do not need to obey Jesus. You need to follow me! As long as you give me money, I will praise you. And, I will promise that you will be welcomed in Heaven!

Catholics are blessed to respect Jesus enough to be in The Only Church He Founded.


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