Pro-abortion politicians and Communion.

Should Pro-abortion politicians be able to receive Catholic Communion? Many are outraged when Pro-abortionists receive Communion. Many are scandalized. “Why does The Church let them do that?”

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that more Catholics than ever are being tested in a new way. Now, goats are separated from sheep in a new way.
Freedom and prosperity are this age’s great, corrupting viruses.

Most of our ancestors withstood all that the corrupting virus could hit them with and stayed Catholic. They held firmly despite plagues, famines, invasions, tyranny, and wars. Now, the descendants of those Catholics have prosperity and freedom beyond their ancestors’ dreams. And, their souls are dropping like flies in this final stage.

Most prelates only whisper objections to abortion and the other sins that flourish. Cardinals, bishops, and many priests suffer in silence When the usual Pro-abortion politicians show up for Mass. Few of them refuse to place The Body of Christ on hands that have gesticulated in impassioned speeches favoring sins that include inflicting death on the unborn.

The same lips that justify killing the innocent unborn are allowed to receive The Holy Blood of Christ from the Chalice.

There must be a reason why The Church is silent when those who support abortion receive Communion.

One must remember that The Holy Spirit is in charge. His instructions may be: “Those separated from The Church by their love of earthly power do not understand that the pain awaiting them is such that their victims receive recompense from their agony. They must be allowed to incur all the pain they want. It would be wrong to keep them from it.”

How could Pro-abortion politicians and supporters suffer enough to make up for the agony inflicted on one, let alone millions, of the unborn children whom they have helped to destroy?

They are going to find out that their suffering is compounded by their pretenses and determined to the degree that their eternal pain will be sufficient to provide justice for all the hurt they have caused in the great Counting House beyond. Indeed, they will have more pain than absolutely necessary, simply so the cups of the innocent victims “runneth over”.

Those who pretend that sin is good will suffer enough to provide justice for all the damage they have done to their helpless, often unborn, neighbors. By some miracle of God, that overpowering, unending pain inflicted on those who did not seek mercy will bring peace to those thirsting for both recompense and justice.

Their future suffering is impossible to imagine. But, it is coming.
