Professional false witnesses

Professional false witnesses in the schisms make a living by distorting, twisting, and omitting truths. “That Catholic Church is a bunch of superstitious idol-worshipers. It was founded by Constantine, not Jesus. My Church, on the other hand, is pure and true. We believe in Jesus and The Bible! So, give me some money!”

It’s bad enough that we are surrounded by a horde of professional false witnesses insulting Jesus and The Only Church He Founded. Beyond that, in every area of our lives, professional false witnesses control most of what we read and see.

Aside from an occasional emergency that happens so quickly that those who may profit from it don’t have time to respond, the evening news is a wonderful parade of well-rehearsed excuses for funding by skilled actors/newsreaders who pretend to solve imaginary problems about which they pretend to care deeply. They are among the most highly paid of professional false witnesses.

Professional false witnesses focus on profitable imaginary problems from global freezing to global warming. They go on about ozone holes, cholesterol, and carbon dioxide. After worrisome pronouncements about the coming doom, professional false witnesses offer cures that justify funding. Some of that funding pays the professional false witnesses for the souls they have sold.

The emptiness of knowing that one’s life is a blatant fraud makes professional false witnesses hate themselves. That anger makes professional false witnesses condemn all that that is loving and true.

They know they have souls and that Judgment is nearing. The fate that awaits brings anguish to their thoughts, words, and deeds. “Is it too late for me? Can I turn to The Only Church Founded by The Only Person Who Fulfilled the Prophecies? Is there forgiveness for me, there?”

There is, and they know it. But, professional false witnesses are too vain to be humble enough to admit inferiority to The Higher Power of Triumphant Love. They know their salaries are more important to them than their souls, and their bitterness swells. Even worse? Every stubbed toe or hurt finger is a reminder of the great and eternal pain that awaits professional false witnesses.

Their lives become a living hell, dimly reflecting the coming doom. No wonder professional false witnesses become bitter enough to praise sins like abortion, every sort of fornication, divorce, and disruption.

“I love distractions! What else is new?”
