Only a professional liar could look at this chart:


and believe that global warming is real or that it is affected by carbon dioxide levels.  Yet another month has gone by, and temperatures are still dropping while carbon dioxide, that “dangerous greenhouse gas” is increasing consistently.  Still, temperatures are dropping.

Frankly, few human beings are benighted enough to look at that chart and believe in either global warming or in the pernicious effect of carbon dioxide on temperatures.  It’s hard for an honest person to actually study this chart and continue to believe that the world is getting warmer because carbon dioxide levels are increasing.

We know why liars lie;  it’s the only way the poor, lost souls can make the high salaries they do.  As Catholic Fundamentalists understand, some people tell lies for money, and their souls are at great risk.

Rather than laugh at them, or call them names, we should pray for them to have more respect for truth.  It is the only chance their souls have of being saved.
