“program” is also a following word that makes things clearer.

One thing Catholic Fundamentalists do with greater frequency as their involvement with Catholic Fundamentalism increases is to add the word “program” to many nouns. When we hear alarmists talking about “weather”, we think to ourselves, “weather program”. When we think of trees, we think “tree program”. Animals are “animal programs”, birds are the “bird program” therein, and “bluebirds” are the beautiful “bluebird program” within the “bird program”. The complicated program that causes the bluebirds’ feathers to absorb every color while reflecting mostly blue is the first thing we see of the bluebird program. By adding “program” to each noun, we continually remind ourselves that The Unprogrammed Programmer programmed all.

There are, of course, two kinds of programs. The first, and most basic, are God’s programs. There are also “human programs”. A bicycle is a human program. A car is a more complicated human program. A jet plane is a still more complicated human program. Lunar modules are the most complicated things that humans have programmed in history.

All that human beings do and make are first programmed in our own minds when we program “an idea”, which rearranges parts of God’s programs. We can bring an idea for a new widget into existence as we draw on, combine, and alter, miniscule parts of God’s basic programs. He wrote and downloaded them so that we, who were programmed with the ability to do crude programming of our own (which is what “made in His image” means), would have something to do.

On the header of this site, there’s a “books and excerpts” section. In it, one may download “New Road to Rome” at no charge. It expands considerably on thinking of things as programs, all of which are woven together with a magnificent complexity that lets us see the fearful power of The Unprogrammed Programmer.
