Proper perspective is necessary for salvation.

Lost souls have this in common:  Their proportion and perspective is so distorted that they can’t think straight.  They make mistakes in judgment.

Consider a nearly universal example of lost perspective:   Many people have been conditioned to automatically think of child abuse when The Catholic Church is mentioned.

That reaction illustrates a lack of proper perspective when considering a problem that has been grossly magnified by enemies of The Church.

Proper perspective is necessary for salvation.  Proper perspective shows:  In the 63 years since 1950,  nearly 20,000 children have made allegations of abuse related to Catholic Church personnel.  That seems like a very large number.  How large a number is it?

There are 20,000 high schools in the United States.  In the past 63 years, hundreds of millions of students passed through them.  The equivalent of one person in each high school in the United States has accused an ordained Catholic of abusing them, over the past 63 years.

In one day, The Culture of Death aborts 3, 500 children.  In one week, The Culture of Death destroys almost 25,000 unborn babies.

The same lost souls who condemn The Church for 20,000 alleged abuses totally ignore the hundred million unborn children whose lives were painfully ended by the Culture of Death.  It is a sad fact that many who have not sought forgiveness for their own participation in one of the hundred million abortions will not forgive a largely innocent Church for the hurt inflicted on several thousand by a few who pretended to be priests.

The  lack of perspective encouraged by The Culture of Death has convinced people to lose their own souls by participating in the lie of condemning The Church while ignoring the far, far greater sin of mass murder.

Catholic Fundamentalism points out a less obvious fact:   Proper perspective is necessary for salvation.  Some use the over-publicized problem of abuse as an excuse to leave The Church.  That is very foolish.  Often they announce their rejection with a self-righteous “I do not choose to be part of such an awful thing.”

They forget:  Proper perspective is necessary for salvation.  They don’t understand that God has decided not to give them a better sense of perspective.  He has allowed the self-righteous to send their own souls to eternal pain with their own self-righteousness.

All things work together for good.  The Garden is self-weeding.
