A Protestant breaks free

One of our readers, Myra Key, shared a story from a person who, like many of us, left the conflicting, confusing contradictions of the 45,000 Protestant denominations for The Only Church Jesus Founded.  A Protestant breaks free in this fascinating story of conversion:

As a staunch Calvinist, I had no will or inclination to do anything of the sort. Then I joined this group. Two things happened.

1. I met Myra Key, who patiently and graciously presented the Gospel and showed biblical evidence for Catholic doctrine. Despite enduring hateful insults she patiently persisted and answered all the questions thrown at her.

2. With much distress and sadness I witnessed what toxic and hateful divisions exist between Protestants, constantly fighting among themselves – Calvinists, Arminians, sinless perfectionists, dispensationalists, etc, etc, it slowly dawned on me that Protestants will NEVER be united. They will always be a house divided against itself.

Protestantism is a chaotic, contradictory religion of 1,001 contradictory denominations arguing over 1,001 contradictory beliefs with everyone making himself pope of his own soul.

I wondered into a Catholic bookshop and bought some books defending the faith. I was blown away by the biblical evidence, the early church fathers and support these churches.

I discovered the truth of what Jesus said in Matthew 16:18-20 and the fulfillment of Isaiah 22:22. I discovered support for church tradition in 1 Corinthians 11:2.

The last straw came when I found out more about the seven books and portions of Daniel and Esther cut out of the Bible by Martin Luther. Luther rejected the Pope’s authority, but apparently gave himself the authority to omit masses of scripture. These books are widely quoted or alluded to in the New Testament. They were in the Dead Sea scrolls, and Septuagint, and belong in Scripture.

Even worse, Luther was a maniac who also wanted to omit James, Revelation, Esther, Hebrews and Jude. I realized his judgment on Scripture was false and unreliable.

Then it occurred to me that ALL Protestant denominations were unreliable for omitting these books and following Luther down the garden path. All from snake-handling Pentecostals, to independent baptists, to Methodists, Anglicans, Exclusive Brethren, have followed these false teachings.

I’m reminded of the death of Zwingli, who was killed in battle. While he lay a Catholic priest rushed over to offer him last rites because he cared about his soul. Zwingli rejected him indignantly. The priest is to be contrasted from Martin Luther who gleefully rejoiced over Zwingli’s death.

So I’m leaving that house divided against itself, lead by men tossed to and fro by every wind of contradictory, for the house built on the ROCK (St. Peter). I knew Christ before becoming Catholic, but I want to be in the church He founded.

I took the Eucharist for the first time today. I found myself crying in humility to God and crying after I left mass.

Thank you Jesus. For our brother Paul Martin.”

A Protestant breaks free.
