“Which Protestant denominations are ‘better’?”

the-nativity-gerburt-christi-franz-von-rohden-detail-featured-w740x493.jpg Jesus and Mary

Some of the 45,000 denominations in Protestantism are “better” than others.    How can we answer:  “Which Protestant denominations are ‘better’?”

Many would rather cower behind “Judge not lest ye be judged.” than make such a moral judgment.   Those fearful of considering right and wrong have become tepid.  They forget what He said about “the lukewarm water I spit out of My mouth.”

In most areas, there are many Protestant denominations.  All of them are seeking donors.  All seeking some Christian fellowship outside The Only Church Jesus Founded have to figure out:  “Which Protestant denominations are ‘better’?”

A logical place to find “Which Protestant denomination is ‘better’?” is uncovering their position on life and death issue of abortion.   Suddenly, we see staggering differences among the 45,000 Protestant denominations!

Most Protestant Denominations avoid any firm teaching on abortion.  It is very rare to find one with teaching as clear as:  “Anyone who helps another to procure an abortion is automatically excommunicated.”

Instead of recognizing the profound difference between life and death, most of Protestantism’s denominations are neutral on the subject of abortion.  Some try to portray themselves as “Pro-Life” and teach it is right to allow “therapeutic abortion”.  They have institutionalized the belief that a mother can find “therapy” by terminating the life of her unborn child.

Farther to the left, some Protestant denominations embrace “a woman’s right to choose” to end the life of her unborn baby.

The abortion issue is further complicated by birth control  There are very few, maybe less than a dozen, Protestant Denominations that teach it is wrong to use any artificial birth control chemicals or devices that may cause the death by micro-murder of the tiniest unborn babies.

That is astounding!  Neutrality on birth control methods is being ambivalent on life and death.  So, when we ask “Which Protestant denominations are ‘better’?”, we find only a few with sound, solid teaching on saving the tiniest children of their own clergy and congregations!
