Catholic Teaching supports life, freedom, and families.
Every time we disobey any Catholic Teachings, we put another brick in the wall between us and He Who Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being with His Word.
“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
People, families, and nations who obey Catholic Teachings are closer to God in this world. The “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” let us be close to Him in the next.
The first brick in Protestantism’s wall: “God wants me to disobey some Catholic Teachings.”
That willful disobedience became a wall of Protestant vanity. Every brick in that wall separates us from God’s blessings.
Modern Protestantism’s later bricks made the wall higher. The Profiteers of Modern Protestantism decided: “We can get donations from people who want easy divorce and remarriage.”
They did. Their Sunday Schools began to get smaller.
Profiteers of Modern Protestantism put more bricks in the wall. They rejected Catholic Teaching about artificial birth control. “We can get donations from people who do not want to be bothered with children.”
Today, many Protestant Sunday Schools are nearly empty.
The wall of bricks in Protestant Vanity kept them from seeing and obeying This Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”
Billions of children have been kept from life by that “brick wall”.
We learn from The Profiteers of Protestantism. Disobedience leads to greater disobedience! People who disobey some Catholic Teachings disobey more! They build a brick wall between God and their soul.
It starts with this brick. “God want me to disobey some Catholic Teachings.”
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Simple reasons to be Catholic.