Protestantism became “The Theology of Wishful Thinking”

Protestantism avoids understanding:  “Belief is not enough.  We must obey.”  So, Protestantism became “The Theology of Wishful Thinking”.

Once, Protestants followed most Catholic Teaching.   They disapproved of easy divorces and remarriages. Protestants used to teach that fornication was sinful.

Protestantism once taught that abortion violated the Commandment:  “Thou shall not kill.” They condemned abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants for the same reason.

To attract donations from the willful,  Protestantism became “The Theology of Wishful Thinking”.  It reduced 2,000 years of Catholic Teaching to an appealing error:  “We will get into Heaven if we believe in Jesus!” 

Soon, Protestantism sank into the silliness of “Are you born again?  Are you really born again?”

That was compounded by the ridiculous:  “We must recognize Jesus as our ‘personal savior’!”,  and piously asking “Do you have a ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus?”

When Protestantism became “The Theology of Wishful Thinking”, “Belief, alone!” justified disobeying The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

When Protestantism became “The Theology of Wishful Thinking”, it undermined Catholic Teaching.  That confusion has allowed billions of unborn babies to be killed.  Protestantism doesn’t care!  “We are going to Heaven because we believe in Jesus!” lets them blind themselves to the greatest slaughter of innocents in history.

Jesus told us that “Belief is not enough.  We must obey.”  John 3:36 is clear:  “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not OBEY the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.”

Catholics pray that we may help our Protestant friends understand:  “Belief is not enough.  We must obey.”

Jesus said so.
