Protestantism began with correct conclusions:



Protestantism began with correct conclusions:   The first was, “We can be billionaires if we take what The Church has been given by faithful Catholics during its ‘Thousand Year Reign’ over Western Christendom!”

No one can argue with that.   One third of England had been given to The Church for monasteries, convents, hospitals, schools, universities, churches, and housing for the poor.   Those properties were worth billions!

Protestantism’s second conclusion was also correct:   “We have to make people think we’re on God’s side!   We have to get them to ignore:   “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Ambitious theologians were hired to justify the great thefts.   They invented “The Rock Dialogues”!   From then until now, Protestantism’s marketers cleverly confuse the meaning of “rock” in ” . . thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church.”
In Protestantism, “The Rock Dialogues” replace the “rock”!

Their hired theologians were also told:  “We don’t want sincerely repentant people trying to save their souls by donating prayers, good works, and money to The Church.  Turn Indulgences into such a crime that people will think we had to kill a million Catholics in England and Ireland to teach ’em a lesson!”

Today, 45,000 conflicting, contradictory, confusing Protestant denominations no longer kill for property.  Many conclude:  “We are better Christians than the inventors of our denominations.”

Is that a correct conclusion?   Today, nearly all their denominations allow their members to use birth control chemicals, pills, and implants that work by killing the tiniest of babies.  Billions of those tiny children, no bigger than the . at the end of a sentence, are killed before they get to their mothers’ wombs.

Those who let themselves see that awful truth are grateful to Jesus for dying to have His Words turn into Unchanging Structure:   “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
