Protestantism begins The Downhill Slide.


The Catholic Church provides checks and balances to the state.

Protestantism undermines The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

After Protestantism weakens The Church, what happens?  Babylon takes over!

Nations sink from Pro-Life Catholicism to Protestant ambivalence. Then, they descend to Babylon.

We see the results.  Billions of families are destroyed by divorce.  Billions of unborn babies are lost to abortion, pills, and implants.


The decline began with Luther.  He was followed by 45,000 Protestant denominations!

Protestantism is that confusion.   Protestantism’s cloud of confusion has descended upon individuals, families, nations, and the world.


Babylon loves Protestantism!  Protestantism weakens The Church.  The Profiteers of Protestantism keep The Church Jesus Founded from providing legislation that protects families, life, and freedom.

Protestantism keeps The Catholic Church from providing balance to Babylon.


When The Church provides significant medical and educational services, costs to taxpayers are lower. Life is protected.  Truth is taught.

Babylon monopolizes those services.  Costs are greatly increased.  Abortion, pills, and implants are encouraged. That reduces the numbers of welfare recipients.   The money saved goes into Babylon’s budgets.

The Sacred Duty of Motherhood is denied.  Woman are taught to work and pay taxes.  That is Babylon’s highest calling for women!

Babylon never teaches:  “Life must be respected from conception until natural death.”  

The weakened Church can no longer stop Babylon from the budget-balancing brutality that keeps children from being born.


Catholicism encourages families to “Be fruitful and multiply.”

Babylon hates that!  Excuses like “Over-population” provide excuses to kill the unborn.  Such concerns are magnified by Imaginary Problems.  Each of them provides funding for Babylon’s agencies, departments, and bureaus.

First Catholics. Then Protestants. Then Babylon.

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