Is Protestantism a form of self-worship?

It is almost bad manners to ask, as the famous Catholic convert, Newman implied: Is Protestantism a form of self-worship?

That thought, in an age where “equality” has been so enthroned as to make it rude, if not illegal, to believe that any religion could be “better”, is never mentioned in polite company. It might be time to say, “There are concerns of far greater importance than being “polite” about the immortal fate of souls lost to eternal pain because too many Catholics are ‘too polite’ to ask some basic questions.”

We all know many people who consider themselves to be “good Christians”. Many of them will tell us, “I don’t need to be a Catholic. I don’t need any church. I just believe in Jesus. I talk to Him, every day. I love Jesus. I believe in Jesus.” Few will criticize such thoughts. The elevation of “Equality” to its near-divine stature makes it politically incorrect to say to such a person, “You must do far better than that to be saved.”

Most of us won’t even think such a thought, so fearful are we of violating the Unspoken Commandment that all religions are equally deserving of respect. It may be helpful to let such people know about a three-step process, a tiny stairway to salvation build of words that Jesus said:

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Step 2. “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” (Mt. 16: 18-20) The implied command: He is clearly telling us that He founded One Church. He put the first Pope, St. Peter, in charge. Just as The Church He Founded is still led by a successor to Peter, it also the power to forgive sins and remains immune to destruction by evil. Those who refuse The Church He Founded must let us know why Jesus would let His enemies into Heaven.

Step 3. “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” (John 6: 53) This command tells us that if we choose not to do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion, that we are dead. The first time He said those words, everyone but His most faithful disciples abandoned Him. Those words still divide His friends from those who are not His friends.

Catholic Fundamentalism offers that Three Step Program for consideration. With it, we may be able to lead a person away from worshiping his or her own version of Jesus, usually an embarrassing compilation of self-serving twaddle, and move up to The Church and on to salvation.


For 2,000 years, many have chosen to live in “the times of ignorance”. Catholics live in Anno Domini, the years of Our Lord. ~ Question 1: “Does St. Paul identify ‘Two Times’ in all of History?” Answer: “Todays Reading, from Acts 17:15, 22—18:1, tells us of the Two Times of History. ‘You Athenians, I see […]

God lets some people see that The Prophets and a Psalm lead God-Fearing People to take “Four Steps to Heaven”. ~ Question 1:  “How did Isaiah 58:1-9 tell us to obey God’s Command to everyone who meaningfully believes in God:  ‘Thus says The Lord God:  Cry out full-throated and unsparingly, lift up your voice like […]

We have Free Will. May we all, like St. Peter, be blessed by choosing to obey Two Direct Orders from Jesus Christ. ~ Question 1: “What is ‘The First Direct Order’ from Jesus Christ that only Catholics obey?” Answer: “Jesus repeated His First Direct Order to Peter and all Catholic Bishops, priests, religious, and Catholics […]