Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!”

Protestants redefine God to suit themselves. Vanity becomes Doctrine. In Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!” That conclusion contains conceit. “God is not really better than me. Oh, He’s real smart. He can do a lot more things than I can. But He’s not that much better than me.”

Most Catholics don’t notice that Protestants have redefined God to suit themselves. Catholics believe that God is always right. Catholics believe we should strive for ever better obedience to Him. Catholics want to be blessed to forever be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics are blessed with enough respect for God to obey His Only Church-Founding Decree: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

In Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!” They love to explain their deep thinking: “Since God is my buddy, He’ll let me into Heaven! “As long as I like God, He likes me! He likes me on the golf course! He likes me in the stadium. He likes me at parties. He likes me when I’m shopping. God does what He wants. I do what I want. He likes me! I like Him! Me and God are buddies!”

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Protestantism mostly agrees: “God does not want us to be burdened with an unwanted child. It’s all right to free ourselves of such a burden. There is nothing wrong with using abortion-inducing birth control pills and implants.” In Protestantism, “Me and God are buddies!”

Billions of unborn children continue to die because in Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!”

It is hard for Catholics to explain how wrong it is to redefine God as an extension of ourselves. It’s our job to try. We may know someone with whom to share posts like this.

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