The last 500 years gives great religious understanding: Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry. When the peasants wouldn’t follow him, Luther told the nobles to unleash their armies on them: “Kill the German pigs!”
Over a hundred thousand died. No apologies from Luther. Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry.
King Henry fell off his horse in full armor and damaged his brain. His greediest advisers realized: “We can get him to declare himself ‘Pope’! He can confiscate the third of England that The Church uses for monasteries, convents, schools, universities, hospitals, orphanages, churches, and accomodations for the poor! He can give it to us! We can be ‘instant billionaires’!’
The Anglican Protestants killed over a milli0n Catholics in England, Scotland, and Ireland. They stole Church land, plundered the poor, and, again, proved this point: Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry.
Then, newer Protestants emerged! The Anglicans were so outraged they drove the new Protestants out of England. Many came to America.
When the Pilgrims landed, military veterans among them realized: “We have guns! Indians don’t!” Two and a half centuries of slaughter, eviction, and death descended on countless millions of Indians. Protestant denominations ignored the massacres. A few Quakers and Moravians tried, and failed, to stop the slaughter.
There have been no apologies from the many, many Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Episcopalian denominations whose spiritual ancestors did nothing to stop the slaughter. Why? Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry.
Honest Americans look at the 85% of people with Indian DNA in the Catholic-settled Americas, and realize the extent of the North American genocide. In doing so, the meaning of the Marketing Plan Denominations becomes blatantly obvious: Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry.
Today, Protestant denominations don’t apologize for not condemning the use of abortion-inducing birth control pills and devices that kill countless millions of unborn children in their own denominations and congregations.
In every generation, Protestantism, never having to say you’re sorry.