Protestantism: “People pay for praise!”


All but the most holy need praise.  Protestantism’s profiteers correctly conclude:  “People will give me money if I praise them!”  Protestantism: “People pay for praise!”

England’s first Protestant profiteers praised their pitiful, brain-damaged, sex-addicted King.  Henry VIII was so desperate for praise from his courtiers that He destroyed a thousand years of English Catholicism with praise-induced lunacy:  “I am now the Pope!  I am taking the one third of England that The Church owns and giving huge estates to those who praise me!”

Oh, how they praised him!

Across the English Channel, Philip of Hesse praised Luther for telling him,  “It’s okay for you to have a wife and to marry your young mistress.  Just don’t tell anyone!”

The Catholic Church puts praise in perspective.   “Pleasing God is more important than pleasing oneself.  Those who willfully refuse to follow the rules set down by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies cannot get into Heaven.”

How do we know what those rules are?  Many begin by looking at the odds.  “Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies predicting His time, place, tribe, life, and manner of death.   The odds of His not being the promised Messiah are trillions to one!  I believe in Jesus!”

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We know they are wrong because Jesus said:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

We see how Jesus separated sheep from goats.  He repeated His clear call to Communion in The Only Church He Founded by saying, eighteen times, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Protestantism’s profiteers ignore that.  They say to those who prefer praise to obedience, “If you give me  money, I will praise you for doing as you please.  All you have to do is say ‘I believe!’ and you will go to Heaven.”

Some are blessed to see the hidden formula:  Vanity + Sloth = Protestantism.




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