Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal.


Many are surprised to learn:  Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal.

The Only Church Jesus Founded is so Pro-Life that it prohibits artificial birth control chemicals, implants, and devices that work by killing the tiniest of unborn babies.   There are 45,000 groups identifying themselves as “Christian”.   Those non-Catholics are too afraid of losing donors to teach:   “It is wrong to use artificial birth control chemicals and devices that work by destroying the very tiny babies on their way to their mothers’ wombs.  It is micro-murder.”

These tiny, helpless children are smaller than pinheads.  Each of us was once that size.   Marketing Plan Denominations are too afraid of offending donors to stand up for their poorest and weakest neighbors.  So, Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal.

That is why it cannot be denied:  Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal.   Protestantism makes our tiniest babies the legal prey of those who want sex without responsibility and those who profit from selling death-dealing devices and chemicals.  spermatozoid_oocyte_recognition_mechanisms

The enormity of the fatal flaw is horribly obvious!   Most Protestant clergy are married.    Catholics realize that Protestant clergy will not even keep themselves from using the abortion-inducing chemicals and devices that destroy their own children!  “If their clergy won’t save their own  children from micro-murder, how can they do any good?”, ask astonished Catholics!

Protestantism prefers deadly silence to telling this truth:  “Artificial birth control pills, implants, and devices work by killing the tiniest of unborn babies, including our own.”

Catholics are able to see that Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal because our minds are not deadened by ignoring the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics are therefore able to see what Protestants cannot, that Protestantism’s fatal flaw is actually fatal.  Catholics have participated in micro-murder.  We must go to Confession.

We must not compound our crime by pretending micro-murder isn’t a very deadly sin, killing babies and consciences.


