Protestantism’s historical hurdle is not hard to get over. We begin by understanding how Protestantism began.
Men consumed by Gluttony realized: “Over the past ‘Thousand Year Reign’ of The Catholic Church over England, The Church has accumulated a third of England from forty generations of small donations. The Church owns almost 20,000,000 acres! Let’s get Crazy Henry to declare himself ‘Pope’! Then, we’ll get the brain-damaged nincompoop to confiscate that land and give it to us!”
Protestantism’s historical hurdle is simply realizing that Protestantism was invented by land-grabbing gluttons. They were driven to invent “theological reasons” why the vast tracts The Catholic Church used for schools, monasteries, convents, hospitals, orphanages, universities, and accommodations for the poor should be seized and given to them.
The sudden demonizing of Indulgences, Celibacy, and The Only Church Jesus Founded required excuses. Obedient “Theologians” were given jobs in the quickly “Protestantized” Universities.
They invented the excuses that still keep people from obeying The Only Church Jesus Actually Founded by Decreeing: “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
When Protestants came to America, the same, self-serving “theologies” were used to justify “Doing our Christian duty!” Equal Opportunity! Even poor people could use Protestantism to justify killing Indians and stealing their land.
It is hard for many to realize that Protestantism was a way to justify thefts and mass murders of millions of helpless Catholics and Indians in England, Ireland, and North America.
Many get over Protestantism’s huge historical hurdle by looking South. “Where Catholics settled, 85% of the people still have Indian DNA. Where Protestants settled, countless millions of Indians were virtually exterminated.”
Protestantism’s historical hurdle is not hard to get over.