Protestants agree: “Jesus was wrong!”

Protestants agree:  “Jesus was wrong!”  When smarter Protestants read Matthew,  16: 18-20, they see that the very credibility of Protestantism is attacked.  In that passage, Jesus Founds One Church by saying to one man, one time:

“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Wow!  Can’t be much clearer than that!

Do Protestants respond by saying:  “It’s best to be Catholic.  Jesus said so!”

NO!  45,000 Protestant denominations do not agree on much, but on this, Protestants agree:  “Jesus was wrong!”

How can anyone get around  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”?

Protestants get around that with endless “Rock Dialogues”.  Their clergy are trained to say, while looking VERY SERIOUS:  “‘Rock’ does NOT mean ‘rock’.  ‘Rock’, in this usage, means “tiny pebble”, ‘the earth’, ‘the pineal gland’, ‘faith’, and ‘the collective faith of all Christians’.”  or whatever else they can think of.

Protestant clergy are also skilled at “Key Dialogues” with which they let donors know:  “The Only Church Jesus Founded does not have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”   He should have not said there were ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.  There is only one key:  believing in Jesus.  That’s the only key we need.”

They may go on and on:  “Those pesky Catholic Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Absolution, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Last Rites are not ‘the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’.  That’s a lot of Catholic mumbo-jumbo that over-complicates things.  We only need to believe!  Belief is the only ‘key’ we need to open the door to Heaven for ourselves.  Jesus was wrong to say we had to have ‘keys’ . We automatically get to Heaven if we say:  ‘I believe so I am saved.'”

Usually, their fervent Rock and Key Dialogues are followed by:  “Now, give me some money.”


