Protestants are intelligent. Like jugglers strolling through life, they are able to keep many balls in the air.
Protestants are intelligent enough to keep contradictory thoughts in their minds while moving toward the goal that their “Big Johns”, Calvin and Wesley, brilliantly summed up: “You are God’s chosen.'” and “Gain all you can.”
The Protestant promise, “All this, and Heaven, too!” echoes through the ages. We get to Heaven by doing as as we please on earth!”
Do they want land in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany? Kill Catholics and take it! Do they want the entire North American Continent? Kill Indians and take it! Inconvenienced by the children of the poor, and even their own? They do not condemn, and many encourage, abortion and abortion-inducing birth control.
Protestants are intelligent enough to excuse the harm they do: “We are doing God’s will!” is built on the foundation of “I believe so I am saved.” Protestants are intelligent enough to keep those balls in the air.
And, Protestants are intelligent enough to know they must get around Jesus. “He did fulfill the prophecies. He is the promised Messiah. He did say ‘Love your neighbor.’ and ‘Thou shall not kill.’ And, we know that Jesus only founded one church by saying so clearly to one man, one time:
‘Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ We have to get around all that!”
So, they keep more balls in the air, believing that “Jesus likes good jugglers!”
Protestants are intelligent enough to keep even more balls in the air to avoid thinking about the consequences of not being included among those whom Jesus permanently separates from the disobedient: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”
Protestants are intelligent enough to know they have two choices: “We either keep more and more and more balls in the air, or we become Catholic.”